Monday, May 3, 2010

Cream Cheese Danish

Stormy Saturdays are great days for baking, and this Saturday was VERY stormy.  We were fortunate not to have any damage from the storms.  And, we didn't lose power, so I was able to make these yummy Cream Cheese Snails from

Actually, I was anticipating the storms and Jonathan was working security at Music Fest on Friday and Saturday, so I planned to spend my time doing a little baking.

I recently remembered that I have a stand mixer and should probably use it every once in a while, so I pulled it out and whipped up the dough the night before and then popped it into the oven to rise slowly until the morning.

The next day I rolled out the dough.

And rolled up the snails.

The snails got a coat of egg wash before the cream cheese mixture.

 A quick look at the weather while the snails puff up a bit before going into the oven.  Looks messy out there. 

Back to the snails.  I also made some with blueberry jelly.  Yum.

Here are the snails baking up nicely.

Mmmm, my favorites.

Now it's time to sit down and listen to the rain while enjoying a danish and a good cup of coffee.  Ah...

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