Monday, March 28, 2011

Springtime in Memphis

Memphis is beautiful in the spring.  There are so many colors and things are changing so quickly.  It's exciting to see the first daffodils peaking up out of the ground with a promise of bright colorful bouquets to come.  

Robins are plentiful and busy scavenging for worms and bugs.  They are great springtime partners for working in the yard.  Raking up those last fall leaves is much more enjoyable when there are red-breasted robin friends hopping around behind you.

As warm weather reappears, it's time to visit the Memphis Botanic Gardens and the Dixon Gardens.

When we visited the Dixon Gardens it was raining, but it was still a great opportunity to enjoy spring flowers, especially tulips.  At the Dixon over 100,000 spring bulbs were planted.  Here are pictures from several visits to the gardens. 


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